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The World of Yoga

About us! 

A Home for Yoga Lovers

TasmaYoga is a premier yoga studio based in Juffair, Bahrain. Our studio offers a variety of classes led by Arpita. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals. We specialize in traditional Hatha Yoga and offer a range of classes for every level of experience, from beginner to advanced. Our focus on alignment, breathwork, and meditation techniques can help you increase your flexibility, strength, and relaxation, both on and off the mat. Get in touch with us today to start your yoga journey.


Our Services


Here’s What They’re Saying

Tasmayoga has been a blessing. Ever since I joined, I’ve had my back pain, shoulder pain vanish. Arpita is an amazing yoga instructor, brilliant at what she does, always pushes you to trust and listen to your body.

I used to practice yoga in the U.S but I got an opportunity to come in work in Bahrain, I wanted to continue my yoga practice and I happen to come across Tasmayoga on my google search . The instructor gives a free class so that you can test the waters & I glad I took the chance with this class/instructor. I take the morning classes so it’s a great way to start my day and you leave the class feeling refreshed. Also, most importantly, I feel very welcomed to the class regardless of not being from Bahrain & the everyone who attends the class is always full of good energy and laughter. 

As a beginner, I couldn't have found a better teacher to start my journey into the world of yoga. Arpita has a very positive and infectious energy that motivates the entire class to put in their best. She ensures that individual attention is given to all the clients even during a group session. Highly recommend her classes for anyone planning to give yoga a try or the seasoned practitioners as well who can join in to listen to her soothing and melodic voice :)

Kevin Shaji

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